
This is a Blog based solely on the debut novel by John Boyne- The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. The implied controversy in the novel is what caused its raise in popularity. Please feel free the navigate around the blog as you please and learn more about this book.

The Boy in Striped Pajamas

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Controversial Aspects of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

John Boyne's classic has a controversial voice. The account featured in this story is apparently not a first hand causing the roots of Hippocratic assumptions. The holocaust was a very significant time in history when everything took a turn towards the unthinkable. Some people argue that, to write about this time and the occurrence of this particular time a writer must be more equipped in facts to form a complete rounded opinion. Even critiques agree that the time Boyne revolves around in his novel is horrible and thus not the close to beautiful place it is now yet it might not have been quite as cruel as the atmosphere Boyne has created in his novel giving the Nazi soldiers a seemingly ruthless face. The Nazi soldier's impression however was put in as a suitable assumption. The fact that Shmuel was at a death camp though is in historic significance a fabrication on Boyne's part. Young boys were immediately gassed if they weren't old enough to work yet there were "619 living male children from one month to fourteen years old on August 30, 1944" -- (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boy_in_the_Striped_Pyjamas) who were then sent to camp and there would certainly be no hole under a Nazi death-camp fence. The subtle ignorance that Bruno displays is also on of the facts that have been argued about. No boy on a death-camp would be so lost. The facts have evened out and no one denies that "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" is a great novel.

1 comment:

  1. The controversial voice in the your writing is very definative and it is very much on dot.
